Join the KEEPERS

Help keep Big Top secure into the future

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Help keep Big Top secure into the future

Donations to our KEEPERS fund are reserved for long-term planning and facilities needs, providing the support needed to take Big Top Chautauqua into its exciting future.

The KEEPERS are a group of fun-loving, caring, and interesting people who value the presence of music, art, and culture in the Northwoods. The KEEPERS will help to ensure Big Top remains a beacon of inspiration for this generation and the next!

"The role of a KEEPER is to tend the light, guard the ships in the darkness, and keep the sailors from harm. I propose we stand watch for Big Top Chautauqua. Together we can provide a base of financial support that will help to maintain this world-class organization. I hope you will join me as a KEEPER of Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua. Thank you for answering this call" -Don Funk, KEEPER